044 - 43324109 siddhealthzon@gmail.com

NeoBolt Wheel Chair

NeoBolt is the ultimate innovation that helps Wheelchair Users move around independently, not within the house, but to Work, to Shop, to Anywhere. All the user needs to do is, to Strap on a front scooter. The user can do this independently without anyone’s help. Move around the city independently.



Why the NeoBolt?

Go out, explore life, be employed, have fun! Visit school, college, office, market, anyplace independently.

  • No hassle of transfer into cars, auto-rickshaw
  • No need to wait for car drivers, care-givers
  • Economic to operate at 20 paisa per km
  • Reverse gear for convenient parking and mobility
  • Feel the wind on your face
  • Stylish and fashionable
  • Built for all-terrain Indian roads
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